One of the simplest shopping list apps available!
To add an item, press the + button. Type the item and select color. That's it.
It's dummies approved.
Use comma or enter to add multiple items at the same time. Long press on item to edit, swipe to delete it. Shake phone to delete checked items. You can also double-tap on background to add items.
Colours represent categories, and can be anything you want. For example: names of the grocery stores (Tesco, Asda, Sainsbury's, Morrisons, ...), opportunities (birthday, anniversary, Christmas, ...), shop sections (butcher, vegetables, drinks, ...), or whatever you wish. You may label the colours.
When you're in the shop buying stuff from the list, just tap the item to check it.
You can share your grocery list with your friends or family. You can sync between your devices.
Note: when you install the app, it will be named just "Shopping List".</br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br>